Monday, 5 October 2015

International Students Guide to American Education

American Education has been the dream of every International Student. The American Education system has been the World’s best for more than half a century now. Harvard and Wharton are every Business Students Lyceum while Yale and Stanford have shown even modern American Education is Prime Attraction for Immigrants in this land of dreamers.
Like the Giants Castle in Jake’s Story, Immigration to America and admission in American Education institutes is tough and very complex. This guide will help Students in Asia, Africa and South American even European Students in Immigration and understanding Education System and Admission process in US.
American Economy is very diverse and intrinsically Complex. Some States such as Texas and California have Huge State Wealth and economies are much larger than most developed Nations. So while deciding for a U.S. Visa that which state and city you are migrating too. Today we Guide you through this entire procedure for Student Immigration to United State.

Student Visa Application Tips:

Your journey begins with a visit to the American Government’s State Consulate or Embassy Website. The rules vary from country to Country. For clear and further information you can visit the State Government travel website.
Although people can apply for an American Visa from any country, Application from a non-permanent Residence Country creates unwanted delays and complexities in theImmigration Process.

Major Tips to Keep in Mind when Applying Abroad:

It is important for Students to follow the mentioned Steps religiously if they want to smooth and fast-track visa and Immigration Process. hHELIOS (Gmbh) has been assisting businesses and Individuals in their International Immigration Processes and our years of Immigration and Visa Processes Consultancy and research has assisted hHELIOS into creating the perfect Guides for individual based as well as Business based Immigration. Today we will share with you our best five tips for Student Visa Application to the United States.

International Students Guide to American Universities:

Usually an American Visa is easy to get for Skilled Professionals and Intelligent Students with Ace Records but there are fundamental points which one should understand while immigrating to a Foreign Country.
The United States like any other Country has mixed Micro Economy while states like California and Texas are well above stable and Rich Economies there are states and Areas which are still less inviting for new immigrants especially areas surrounding the Mexican Border. As these areas have been under constant constraint due to illegal Traffickingis the very image of the Huge Economic Disparity which Americans face as a Nation. We will discuss below in Detail Immigration and Visa Consultancy Process.
Points for the Check List:
1.      State.
2.      City.
3.      Neighborhood.
4.      Living Cost.
5.      College.
6.      Worth of your Degree in your Home Country.
7.      You should clear your intention.

Things which should be in the pipeline before Applying:

1.      Your Entire Documents Collection which must Contain:
1.1.   Your Student Exchange Visa Receipt photocopy.
1.2.   You’re Academia Documents.
1.3.   Visa Payment Slip Receipt.
1.4.   Your TOEFL English Language Grading sheet Copy.
1.5.   Acceptance letter Copy from the intended University.
1.6.   Sponsorship Letter.

Things to keep in Mind for Students While Living in the US:

In US there are many colleges and universities which are at par with your local Universities. So if you want to apply for International Student Visa kindly review the Applied University’s Rank and Educational Program. hHelios has been assisting Students in Application and International Student Visa Process, Our Career Counselors have years of Experience in assisting Students in their Career Selection and Application towards Internationally Acclaimed Institutes.
Another thing to keep in mind there are Two Different laws. There is a State law and then there are Federal laws. You should what are the Legal laws and Codes of the State and City Government. Most students usually get into trouble because they understand federal laws but forget to research about the State they are immigrating too. In U.S. every State is Semi-Autonomous and has its Laws which are strictly obligated.

The last thing to remember is keep in mind the Culture and Religious Affinities of your fellow Students. America is a Multicultural Country which means you need to be well versed in Cross Cultural Communication before International Student Immigration.

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